Nepal – the country of Mt. Everest and Buddha

Nepal – the country of Mt. Everest and Buddha

Posts Tagged ‘UNDP’

Kenzo Tange Master Plan for Lumbini

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on January 17, 2013


When U Thant visited Nepal in April 1967 as Secretary-General of the United Nations, he proposed the development of Lumbini into a major centre of pilgrimage. This was followed by a UNDP consultant mission in December 1969, which led to a report that established the basis for further planning around Lumbini.

In 1970, the International Committee for the Development of Lumbini (ICDL) was set up comprising initially of 13 members and later expanded to 16 member states. The initial member states were Afghanistan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Later, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Republic of Korea also joined. At the national level, the Lumbini Development Committee was formed. ICDL initiated the preparation of the Master Plan for Lumbini, which was conceptualized by Kenzo Tange starting from 1972. The Kenzo Tange Master Plan was finalized and approved in 1978. Read the rest of this entry »

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An Interview with Dr. Minendra Rijal by Mikel Durham

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on March 7, 2012

Dr. Rijal is a member of Nepal’s recently created Greater Lumbini Development National Steering Committee, chaired by ex-Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal “Prachanda”. Dr. Rijal, a member of the Nepali Congress political party, is also a current member of the Constituent Assembly, ex-Minister of Culture and Chairman of Apex College. Mikel Durham interviewed Dr. Rijal focussing on Lumbini issue.

DUNHAM: You’ve recently been appointed as a Member of the Greater Lumbini Development National Steering Committee. Now that the committee has been created, what progress can be reported?

RIJAL: So far, we have not been able to spend as much time as is needed to move the Lumbini project forward. Prachanda is terribly busy with the politics of the country. In some respects, I am also quite busy — nothing compared to his busy schedule but –
DUNHAM: How many members are on the committee?
RIJAL: Right now we are a six-member committee. And then there is a provision to add another eleven members later on.

DUNHAM: Prachanda is Chair.


DUNHAM: What has the committee actually done so far?

RIJAL: We went to New York and saw the Secretary General (SG) of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, in November. And the reason we went was that we wanted the involvement of the UN in the development of Lumbini.

It all started, however, when, earlier, I was the Minister of Culture. At that time, I established contact with Ban Ki-moon’s office and he extended an invitation. I went there. I presented my argument on Lumbini and he was very keen. He has long been interested in helping Lumbini and in realizing its potential. I knew that his mother was a devoted Buddhist and felt that her son, as Secretary General, should do something for Lumbini.

For his part, Ban Ki-moon also feels that it is his obligation on behalf of the larger Asian Buddhist community– he is the second Asian Secretary General – to do something for Lumbini.

That was one reason, last November, that we thought he could be of great help. And the visibility of his office was going to be very important to help Lumbini realize its potential.  Read the rest of this entry »

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UN Gen Secy agrees to support greater Lumbini development

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on November 9, 2011


KATHMANDU: Former Prime Minister and Chairman of the UCPN-Maoist Pushpa Kamal Dahal, aka, Prachanda met United

Former Prime Minister and Chairman of the UCPN-Maoist Pushpa Kamal Dahal shakes hand with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday at UN headquarters in New York.

Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday at UN headquarters in New York.

Dahal is in New York as the Chairman of the High Level National Steering Committee for the development of Greater Lumbini, seeking international assistance for the development of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, located in Rupandehi district, about 300 km southwest of Kathmandu.

During the meeting, Dahal briefed the UN Secretary General about the commitment of the Government of Nepal to develop Lumbini as a world peace city as a pilgrimage and a heritage city with inclusive livelihood programs for the people living around there.

Prachanda explained to Ban Ki-moon that the recently formed High Level National Steering Committee reflects strong and long-term commitment of the Government of Nepal to the preservation and development of all aspects of Greater Lumbini with a
multi-stakeholder approach through national and international support.

While urging Moon to form a broader Lumbini development international committee under his chairmanship, Dahal said, spiritual dimension of Lumbini for world peace fits in very well with the noble ideals of peace and justice of the United Nations.

“Lumbini would be developed as an enduring source of international peace, harmony and understanding.” Read the rest of this entry »

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लुम्बिनी भ्रमण बर्ष २०१२ मनाउन गरिएको निर्णयको सम्बन्धमा प्रेस बिज्ञप्ति

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on October 19, 2011

बुद्धद्धारा प्रतिपादित सुख र शान्ति प्राप्तीका लागि अबलम्बन गरिनु पर्ने सिद्धान्त र बिधिहरु बुद्धिज्मको रुपमा बिस्व प्रसिद्ध भएका कारण बुद्ध जन्मनु भएको स्थानको बिस्वब्यापी महत्व छ  । त्यसैले ब्यक्तिगत खुशी र सुखीदेखि बिस्व शान्तिसम्मका लागि उत्प्रेरक, प्रेरणादायी र आस्थाका पुन्ज उहाँ करीब २६०० बर्ष अघि जन्मेर पनि यो बैज्ञानिक युगमा समेत आजको अशान्तमय बिस्व परिबेशका कारण संपूर्ण जाती, धर्म, सम्प्रदायका बीच झन झन महत्व बढदै जाने सदाबहार सर्ब स्वीकार्य महामानबका रुपमा स्थापित हुनुहुन्छ । त्यसैले युनेस्कोले बुद्ध जन्मस्थल लुम्बिनीलाई बिस्व संपदा सूचिमा  समाबेश गरेको हो १९९७ मा । बिस्वमा करीब ५० करोड बुद्धिस्ट छन भने बिस्वभरि बुद्धिज्मलाई धर्मभन्दा बिज्ञानको रुपमा लिने पनि लाखौं छन । र उक्त संख्याको ०.१ प्रतिशत मात्र पर्यटक बर्षेनी भित्र्याउने बातावरण तयार गर्न सकियो भने पनि बर्षमा ५ लाखभन्दा बढी पर्यटक भित्रिने देखिन्छ र यसबाट मात्रै अरबौं रुपयाँ देश भित्र्याउन सकिने देखिन्छ । Read the rest of this entry »

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Lumbini World Peace City: A vision and perspective

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on August 3, 2011

By Karna Sakya
Second World Buddhist Summit. 2004
Lumbini Nov.30-Dec.2.2004

Abstract –

Lumbini is a peerless landmark of the Buddhist world. This is the only active religious place that has been listed in the World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. Lumbini symbolized ultimate peace and harmony. The eyes of Buddha are the emblem of love and worship and kindness and compassion are the synonym of Buddhism. While the world is getting restless and tensed because of various conflicts, the desire for peace in Nepal also has become almost like an obsession. At this critical juncture, declaration of Lumbini as a World Peace City is very appropriate and perhaps this is the only suitable place in this region for it. Establishment of a World Peace City in Lumbini is a important and timely task to be performed; not that we would, but we should, and we could.

The purpose of the Lumbini World Peace City is not to create a mega-city of the world or does it have any intention to deface the existing villages into a shanty town. Its aim is to set-up a quintessential self-contained town of the Buddha’s era in a 21 century format. Think globally and act locally is the strategy of Lumbini World Peace City. The vision is to build a small, traditional and low cost but conventional, comprehensive and innovative city system that carry a nostalgic ambiance of Kapilbastu revisited. Declaring Lumbini as a World Peace City contributes significantly in strengthening national peace process in the country. 

Lumbini may be an intellectual playground for few, a religious site for some and a birthplace for many. But a place like Lumbini cannot be a prerogative to any casts, creeds and intellectuals. Peace doesn’t prevail in the island of the sea of poor. While developing infrastructure and undertaking poverty alleviation program in Lumbini, the World Peace City should initiates peace education simultaneously. Peace education prepares local communities to voice their realities, experiences, understandings biases, commitments, hopes, despair, and at the same time to fulfill the rights and duties.. The synergism of religion, wisdom and action is the formula to make the peace equation work. Lumbini World Peace City will be a ‘gift to the Earth’ from Nepal and from the Nepalese people. Read the rest of this entry »

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